November 30th the PR & LA hosted a legislative roundtable with local PA legislators including PA Senator Comitta to discuss the state of current legislative proposals that affect the restaurant industry, from taxation to HR policy changes. Representing Pro Business PAC was Marcel Kaminstein the current PAC Director.
Take a closer look at the Restaurant and Lodging Lobbying efforts making their way through the PA government by downloading the detailed PDF Presentation below.
Key topics covered in this presentation are the following:
HB427 - Industry Recovery for Hospitality - Alcohol Licensees
HB1487 & HB605 - Hospitality Industry Recovery - CHIRP Fund Replenishment & Liability Protection
SB235 & HB555 - Hospitality Industry Recovery - Association Health Plans
Increase Statewide Tourism Promotion - Tourism Industry Recovery
Long Term Tourism Promotion Funding - Tourism Industry Recovery
HB554 Grant Program for DMO's - Tourism Industry Recovery
HB976 Online Home Sharing Tax Fairness - Tourism Industry Recovery
Tourism Improvement Districts - Tourism Industry Recovery